the most important museum of Etruscan civilization!


National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia

Buy your Villa Giulia tickets in advance.

Villa Giulia is now the most important museum of Etruscan civilization and includes not only some of the most important creations of this civilization, but also Greek products of the highest level.

Info & Booking

Villa Giulia Museo Piazzale di Villa Giulia, 9, 00197 ROMA

Villa Giulia is now the most important museum of Etruscan civilization and includes not only some of the most important creations of this civilization, but also Greek products of the highest level. .

From Tuesday to Sunday: from 8.30 to 19.30 (Closed Mondays, except holidays)
Closures for holidays: 1st January, 1st May and 25th dicember


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Villa Giulia

The Museum of Villa Giulia was born in 1889 on the initiative of Felice Barnabei (1842-1922), archaeologist and political Italian, based on a coherent program of archaeological explorations.

The Hall of Arts and Sciences (room 27) is dedicated to the history of the Museum.

The new concrete prospects generated by the impending enlargement of the Museum of Villa Giulia are illustrated in the panels to the right of the entrance and modern windows with windows that open out on the Villa Poniatowski to accommodate an extensive review of materials recently acquired.

It is mostly fine ceramics of different age and production, sometimes real masterpieces, stolen by tomb robbers, they have been returned from major museums and private collectors in the United States as a result of a complex operation promoted by Italy. Alongside these include other important objects from seizures ordered by the judiciary as a result of brilliant operation conducted by the Police Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

Price Details

Reduced ticket

- UE Citizens between 18 and 25 years of age

Free ticket

- Citizens under 18 years of age

- European Union teachers and students of Architecture, Arts, Cultural Heritage, Educational Science

- European Union School groups (NO UNIVERSITY)

- Teachers and students, from European Union, members of the Academy of Fine Arts, showing the certificate of registration for the current academic year

- I.C.O.M. members (International Council of Museums)

- Journalists showing valid press card

- MiBact employees - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e del Turismo

- European Union Disabled people with helper

- European Union tourist guides

- European Union interpreters

Prices Detail

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