Siena Walk: drowners of saints

Travel back in time to visit Siena with your personal guide

Info & Booking

This itinerary begins at the Porta San Marco, one of the Siena’s ‘newest’ city gates as it was only built in the 14th c. with the final expansion of the city’s walls. We will walk through the Contrada della Chiocciola (Snail) to learn about these ‘drowners of saints’, then enter into their rival’s territory, the Contrada della Tartuca (Turtle) to peep into a Contrada museum. Learn about their historic (if slow-moving!) rivalry with Palio anecdotes, and travel back in time to see where Siena’s patron saint was imprisoned in the 4th c. Passing by a former 13th-c city gate and stopping at the impressive church of Sant’Agostino, we’ll then descend into the Contrada Capitana dell’Onda (Wave) before finishing in the Piazza del Campo.


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Using Zoom, we’ll walk through Siena together, and you can ask questions during the tour or at the Q&A at the end. You will receive an automatic email with the Zoom meeting access information, and we will send the details again the day before the talk.

The walk will be recorded and be available to you for a week afterwards.

Prices Detail

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Book Now - € 120,00
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