Stefano Bardini Museum

A private collection finally open to the public who knows how to choose

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A hundred years after his death, a group of particularly evocative places linked to the name of Stefano Bardini remains in the city, which starts on the left bank of the Arno, just beyond Ponte alle Grazie, to go up the hill of Montecucco (or Montecuccoli ) and culminate with the incredible castle of Torre del Gallo, exquisite and prodigious witnesses of his good taste in art and beauty. The Stefano Bardini Museum, a civic museum dedicated to him, once his extremely refined shop, was donated by the antique dealer to the city of Florence in his will and today is an extraordinary treasure trove of masterpieces of all kinds including the  Charity by Tino da Camaino, the Madonna dei Cordai by Donatello, San Michele Arcangelo defeats the dragon of the Pollaiuolo family or the Atlas by Guercino. The current layout is the result of an intense study and restoration activity that lasted ten years (1999-2009) and follows the original project wanted by its founder. The renovation made it possible to display the entire Bardini collection again in the ways and colors desired by the antique dealer. On evocative blue walls, the works are arranged by genre, according to a precise aesthetic and scenographic canon. One room houses the finds from the Civic Museum. The exhibited pieces reveal the close link with the city and come from the dismantling of the old city center which took place in 1881 and from the churches acquired by the Municipality following the suppression of ecclesiastical bodies in 1886. In the same room there are also important symbols of the cities such as the Porcellino by Pietro Tacca and the Diavolino by Giambologna.


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