
Orsanmichele complex halfway between the Duomo and Palazzo Vecchio reopens after 400 days with new restoration and layout

Fascinating building with a unique history!

Info & Booking

The skyscraper granary of 14th-century Florence comes back to life. The Orsanmichele complex halfway between the Duomo and Palazzo Vecchio - as if to represent its role first civil and then religious - reopens after 400 days with new restoration and layout. Orsanmichele began as a loggia for the sale of grain with two floors of storage. In 1347 the Florentines bring Bernardo Daddi's Madonna delle Grazie, which would soon be protected by the Orcagna Tabernacle. The granary closes and is transformed into a church. Today, the thirteen marvelous statues - works by the greatest sculptors of the Renaissance including Ghiberti, Donatello, Andrea del Verrocchio, Baccio da Montelupo, and Giambologna - that adorned the building's exterior niches return to cross the eyes of visitors at the height intended by the artists.


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IMPORTANT NOTE: The time you select on the order form is your preferred time. The closest available time, which can be anytime during opening hours on the selected date, will be automatically confirmed if your preferred time is no longer available.

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Prices Detail

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